Monday, November 30, 2009

1 Weird Belly Flab Buster

Ok, I don't mean to get too scientific, but this is super important. You see, while busting the belly flab does take effort, it's not nearly as hard as people make it out to be.

Seriously, the most important part of the process is arming yourself with the CORRECT knowledge. If you know how your body works...why it stores belly flab...what actually causes it to burn're a whole lot better off.

Now, I know there are a ton of so-called experts out there that are confusing the heck out of you. I know a lot of people tell you different things. It can be as frustrating as all get out. But if you follow these simple rules and burn them into your brain things will be a lot different.

Anyway, let's get to today's easy lesson. Check this out:

- Increased Protein intake triggers the hormone Glucagon.

- This, in turn, prevents the spiking of your Insulin (which is also a hormone) levels.

- Which simply means you minimize the chance of storing blood sugar as fat.

In other words, eat more protein and you bust the belly flab. Sure, there's more to it than that, but that is the crux of it. And so long as you understand the basics you can KEEP the belly flab from coming back.

When you only eat carbs your Insulin levels go through the roof. And all that blood sugar (that's what the carbs turn into after you've eaten them) which isn't needed by your body MUST go somewhere. Yup, it goes to your belly; or your butt; or your hips; or your thighs...

The best part is, it's not very hard to consume more protein. In fact, it's pretty darn easy. A high quality protein powder will do just the trick.

Hurry over to to take advantage of it.

Friday, November 27, 2009

This Is My Body or Is It?

As I sit here in front of this computer after finishing one of the most grueling workouts that I have ever gone through (for some of you that are reading this and come to my classes know that I practice what I preach), I stood in the mirror drenched in sweat admiring my body and this blog post came to me all at once. I hurried to grab pen and paper to pen this because I knew that if I didn't write it now it may forever be lost.

This one, in my opinion, is one for the ages.

I have been through a lot in the 30 some odd years while on this earth. I have battled weight loss, gain the weight back, to then loss the weight again, to gain the weight back. I have watched as well as worked with some great people over the years that have gone through this same dilemma- this yo-yo of up and down up and down. This roller coaster ride of hills and valleys, highs and lows, successes and failures (more failures than successes). This stop and start-quit and begin-frustration and triumph and back to disappointment (some never pick back up and start again).

Weight lost does not start with exercise nor does it end with eating healthier or doing more cardio. In my opinion the whole crux of the matter to weight lost comes down to your attitude how you feel about yourself. It starts with your mind how you see yourself-your self image your self worth. The mind is so powerful. The body will only produce, regurgitate, or reproduce whatever the mind tells it to. So as I stood in the mirror admiring my body- feeling good about how I look-looking at the scars and battle wounds that I have accumulated over the years. Some physical, some emotional, some intentionally, some accidentally this post came to mind. Before you continue to read on I must warn you that it is strongly penned with religious undertones so if you are an atheist or someone that doesn't believe that there is a higher power well first I feel sorry for you and second this article may not be for you. However, for the rest of you please read, re read, and read this again. Meditate on it and start today reciting this over and over (out loud and in your mind). Really try to read this slowly not like a pleasure read, but read it as if your life depended upon it because it does if you ever want to accomplish that image that you are chasing after. If you grasp this concept what you about to read then you will never have to worry about how you currently look or how you are going to look in those favorite jeans or if you will fill out that favorite shirt the way you would like. If you get this, watch how you will have a new outlook on your challenges, obstacles, trials, and struggles that you face with your self image. ASK YOURSELF IF NOT NOW, WHEN?

My Body

This is my body that God has made in His image
It is unique, beautiful, flawless perfectly designed by Him to bring Him glory
When others see me, they see Him because they see a wonderfully accomplished work of art
There are no mistakes on my body-everything everything is put in its place for a purpose
I love everything on my body from head to toe because God made it
I am the apple of God's eye
My body is not mine it was purchased at an expensive price because He loved me so much
God has entrusted this body to me
I will do my best to be a good steward (manager) over it
It is the only body that I will ever have
It is a holy temple that should not be destroyed, mistreated, abused, or misused
I will only consume and do things that will only develop and improve my body
This is my body that God has made

Again if you understand this concept everything else that you are facing with your weight loss, transformation, or image that you want to accomplish will be easily obtained.

Carpe Diem.

Lamail Spain

Charlotte Personal Trainer

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Delicious Protein Pancakes Recipe for Thanksgiving

It's been a great year here at Alpha II Omega Sports Performance. And I'm very grateful for you being a part of that success. This week being Thanksgiving I want to make sure I'm showing you how grateful I am.

But before I do...

Let's get serious for a moment. You're going to eat a LOT of food this Thursday. You know it. I know it. And that's ok. I'm sure you've been working out just a little bit harder to prepare for it, right? ;-) And I know you're going to get a good workout in on Thursday before you chow down, right?

Now, besides that, I also want to remind you one thing you do NOT want to do on Thursday is skip meals so you can stuff yourself with one big one. That's a no-no.

You still need to start your day right by boosting your metabolism with a solid breakfast. So to help you out with that I've got a gift for you from me and my buddies over at Prograde Nutrition. It's a delicious Protein Pancakes recipe.

Thanks to the protein in the recipe your blood sugar won't go crazy like it can just by eating a huge stack of pancakes with sugary syrup. Nope, this recipe will fill you up, nourish your body and give your metabolism just the boost it needs.

You can get the Protein Pancakes recipe

Be sure to let me know how you like it.

Happy Thanksgiving!